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Christine Cayol
Founder of Synthesis and Yishu 8 (Paris - Beijing)
Knight of the Legion of Honour
Manager of the Rodin Museum, Paris
With the French superior foundation degree in philosophy and literature (hypokhâgne and khâgnean) under her belt and a PhD in Philological Sciences from one of France's leading institutions, Christine Cayol began teaching philosophy in her final year of secondary school.
In 1994 she created Synthesis, a consulting firm specializing in coaching directors and managers through an innovative method known as “The Detour”. Through art and culture, this approach seeks to make one more open, more sensitive and more humane by sharpening the senses and perceptions in order to develop emotional intelligence. When put into action, this generates creativity and efficiency.
In 2004, she moved to Beijing, immersing herself into Chinese culture by, among other things, learning Mandarin. Since September 2008, she has lectured on “understanding western culture through painting” at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA).
In 2009, she opened Synthesis Beijing, a consulting and training bureau targeting international businesses based in China as well as Chinese businesses themselves.
At the heart of Synthesis, Christine Cayol's expertise helps guide leaders in their managerial concerns such as innovation, leadership, and perception through use of seminar and conference. On the strength of this experience, in 2014 she turned Synthesis into a place where managers can reflect and seek advice on the issue of “time”.
She has written:
"Art in Spain 1936-1996" New French Editions 1996
“Sensitive intelligence, Picasso, Shakespeare, Hitchcock to the aid of the economy” Ed. Village Mondial 2003
“Seeing is an art” Ed.Village Mondial 2004 – work translated into Chinese (Ed. Commercial Press 2008)
"I am Catholic and I have pain" Ed. Seuil 2006 translated and published in Italian in 2009
“What do Chinese people think when they look at Mona Lisa? » Co-written with Professor Wu . Ed. Tallandier – October 2012
“Why do the Chinese have the time? » Ed. Tallandier April 2017
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